Victoria Hall

Results: 489


Agenda des concerts Édifié entre 1891 et 1894 en hommage à la reine d’Angleterre, le Victoria Hall est réputé, dans le monde entier,

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Language: French - Date: 2015-05-08 02:20:34

    Minutes—CLAS Finance Committee Meeting Friday, November 15, 2013 9:00 am 150 Pugh Hall In attendance: Anita Anantharam, Rori Bloom, Susan Gillespie, Kevin Ingersent, Michelle Mack, Victoria Pagán (chair), Eric Potsdam

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    Language: English - Date: 2014-02-03 10:35:34
      43Adjournment / Chairman / Human communication / Parliamentary procedure / Minutes / Second

      Minutes—CLAS Finance Committee Meeting Friday, August 29, :00 am 160 Pugh Hall In attendance: Luis Alvarez-Castro, Phil Boyland, Susan Gillespie, Jonathan Hamilton, Kevin Ingersent, Rebecca Kimball, Victoria Pag

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      Language: English - Date: 2014-09-22 08:11:39
      44Second / Commit / Adjournment / Parliamentary procedure / Principles / Minutes

      Minutes—CLAS Finance Committee Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2013 9:00 am 160 Pugh Hall In attendance: Members: Rori Bloom, Susan Gillespie, Kevin Ingersent, Michelle Mack, Victoria Pagán, Eric Potsdam. Guests: Rick Yo

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      Language: English - Date: 2013-11-18 11:09:08

      BILLETTERIE/ESPACE D’ACCUEIL [rez] Vente de billets pour des concerts du Victoria Hall (Concerts du dimanche, Concerts Cæcilia), du Casino Théâtre (La

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      Language: French - Date: 2010-02-16 04:51:18
        46Logansport /  Indiana / Feedback / Trafalgar /  Victoria / Indiana / Geography of the United States / Geography of Indiana / Amish / Shipshewana /  Indiana

        Back by Popular Demand…. IHLA TOWN HALL MEETINGS Join us for breakfast or lunch (our treat) and participate in a 60-minute discussion with other industry members in your region. IHLA wants to hear about the issues and

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        Language: English - Date: 2015-05-11 12:35:29
        47Superior Courts of California / Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges of Law / Ventura County /  California / Geography of California / California / Oxnard /  California

        Superior Court of California COUNTY OF VENTURA Hall of Justice 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009

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        Language: English - Date: 2015-04-29 13:09:28
        48Logansport /  Indiana / Shipshewana /  Indiana / Feedback / Email / Indiana / Geography of the United States / Geography of Indiana / Gippsland / Trafalgar /  Victoria

        Back by Popular Demand…. IHLA TOWN HALL MEETINGS Join us for breakfast or lunch (our treat) and participate in a 60-minute discussion with other industry members in your region. IHLA wants to hear about the issues and

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        Language: English - Date: 2015-05-11 12:35:19
        49Shipshewana /  Indiana / Feedback / Trafalgar /  Victoria / Indiana / Geography of the United States / Geography of Indiana / Logansport /  Indiana / Logansport

        Back by Popular Demand…. IHLA TOWN HALL MEETINGS Join us for breakfast or lunch (our treat) and participate in a 60-minute discussion with other industry members in your region. IHLA wants to hear about the issues and

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        Language: English - Date: 2015-05-11 12:35:25
        50Shipshewana /  Indiana / Feedback / Trafalgar /  Victoria / Jasper / Indiana / Geography of the United States / Geography of Indiana / Email / Logansport /  Indiana

        Back by Popular Demand…. IHLA TOWN HALL MEETINGS Join us for breakfast or lunch (our treat) and participate in a 60-minute discussion with other industry members in your region. IHLA wants to hear about the issues and

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        Language: English - Date: 2015-05-11 12:35:20